We might instinctively believe a more sustainable approach to business is better for the world. But a substantial body of evidence illustrates it is also good for the business itself. For starters, an ever-increasing amount of capital is being invested in businesses with this approach, with $2Billion+ having been invested in B Corps alone (see: "How are investors engaging with B Corps?"); perhaps not surprising given the performance of B Corps (see: "What evidence is there that B Corps outperform?")
Below is a sample of the data that can be sourced from universities, corporates, financial institutions, business press, think tanks etc. It is divided into two lists:
- “Restored Workplaces": companies that have changed their culture and governance structures to be fit for the C21st.
- “Typical Workplaces”: companies where the business model remains unchanged from a traditional approach.
For more, look at: “Why should I believe that a new way of working should succeed?”
Restored Workplaces
4x revenue growth - Kotter, Forbes
2.5x revenue - Hay Group Study
3x market return - Great Place To Work Poll
90% of people have a positive view of spirituality - Ian Mitroff
88% of customers would purchase from purpose led company - Cane/Porter Novelli
66% of customers would switch to a purpose led company - Kantar
93% of CEOs say it would be easy to recommend something that pursues empathy - Business Solver
30% more enterprising - Global Innovation 1000
50% less employee turnover - Great Place To Work Poll
2.3x fewer sick days/year - Roger Herman, The Social Workplace
3x more productive. - Great Place To Work Poll
30% higher customer satisfaction - Forbes
147% outperformance - Gallup
93% proud of their employer - Great Place To Work Poll
100% more unsolicited job applications - Forbes
50% fewer accidents - Roger Herman, The Social Workplace
87% tie empathy to performance - Businessolver
70% prioritise empowerment - Society For Human Resource Management
82% culture is comp. Advantage - Deloitte
87% want long-term employment - Great Place To Work Poll
76% of execs say sustainability contributes to shareholder value - McKinsey
64% of Millennials won't take a job from a firm with strong sustainability credentials - Cone Communications
88% Millennials say work more fulfilling if can contribute to ESG issues - Cone Communications
83% millennials more loyal to companies with strong ES credentials - Cone Communications
76% millennials consider ES when looking at job opportunities - Cone Communications
89% millennials expect hands-on environmental opportunities - Cone Communications
87% customers would purchase products based on advocacy - Forbes
18% higher ROE for including climate change management - CDP
50% lower ROE volatility for including climate change management - CDP
21% greater dividend growth for including climate change management - CDP
50% more likely to successfully expand into new markets if purpose-driven - Global Giving
40% consumers seek purpose-driven companies - BBMG
66% global consumers pay more for sustainable goods - YourCause
50% SEMEs see cost benefits from sustainable business - Lloyds
4x more likely to buy from a purpose led brand - Zeno Group
87% would buy on the basis of supporting social issues - Shaun Frankson
6x more likely to protect a brand in difficult times - Zeno Group
4.5x more likely to champion a purpose led brand - Zeno Group
4x more likely to trust a purpose led brand - Zeno Group
Typical Workplaces
87% not engaged - Gallup
34% plan to leave in next 1yr - Dynamic Signal
47% not inclined to innovate - Global Innovation 1000
60% don’t know their org’s goals - The Muse
20% feel the system is working for them - Edelman Trust Barometer
32% trust business leaders to tell the truth - Ipsos MORI Trust in Professions
88% leave for non-money issues - Leigh Branham, 7 Hidden Reasons
80% of sen.managers no passion - Fit Small Business
50% of working parents have turned down a job because it conflicted with family life - Council of Economic Advisers
13% would recommend their employer - Roger Herman, The Social Workplace
75% of customers believe CEOs should be leading on change rather than governments - The Drum
66% of customers see transparency as an important buying trigger - Accenture
2x more likely to die of cardiovascular disease - BMJ Medical Journal
125,000 excess deaths/year - Huffington Post
$130Bn excess costs/year - Prof. Jeffrey Pfeffer, Stanford Business School
Dying for a Paycheck
76% looking to leave if feeling unvalued - Dynamic Signal
$11Bn/yr employee turnover cost - Forbes & Bureau of National Affairs
3% feel key to the organisation - Roger Herman, The Social Workplace
12% of executives say their company has the right culture - Deloitte
90% can point to a risk that triggered sustainability commitment - McKinsey
70% of EBITDA at stake from sustainability risk - McKinsey
89% businesses indicate sustainability issues carry financial risk - WBCSD
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