Let your genuine motivation be clear and communicated to those you invite.
Here are some ways to do this:
Be Brave
The small group model on which Teylu rests is long established as a successful, enjoyable model for building relationship and change. You are asking people to join something with pedigree. Being invited into a Teylu is a compliment and an honour. Don't feel shy or embarrassed about asking people.
Warm Up
If you plan to create a Teylu within your day to day contexts, like a department or team, it can help to let people know in advance that you are considering the Teylu approach and why, before you invite them formally. This will give them the chance to ask questions, do some research and warm to the idea before they are asked to make a decision. It is harder, and less time efficient, to do this if you are creating one with people from a wider audience, such as including people from different organisations or continents.
Invitation Not Obligation
It needs to be an invitation, not an obligation. It must leave room for people to feel comfortable saying “no, thanks”; because if people can’t say “no”, then their “yes” means little if anything at all. If they do say “no”, and are willing to share why they choose not to, always be understanding: there is no right or wrong response. A “no”, and its reasons, is valuable data. People’s reactions to the initial invite are also useful information for what you might discuss in the Teylu itself.
Who To Invite
Ultimately, a successful Teylu will be about building trust and having a common purpose; so, gather people around those concepts. However, aim for diversity and lean towards groups with a mix of people. For example, invitations to a Teylu could include people from different departments, organisations, or even sectors.
Who To Invite First
Invite individuals you feel will be most open to the approach first. Together, you can then extend invites to others. Receiving an invitation from more than one person shows this is not about the individual who has initiated this, but the group as a whole. You are more likely to gain traction with other potential invitees if the invitation is coming from more than just one person. It is often the case that the person you ask first is your Co-Host, but not always - for example, if someone else in the Teylu is particularly passionate about administration.
Common Purpose
You will have an idea of why you want to form the Teylu. Discuss this with those you approach first. A couple of motivated people to help you explore what the Teylu will focus on prior to inviting the rest of the group will make everything clearer.
In person, by phone, by email/letter is always the order of preference. Following up with an email is a useful way to confirm the commitment.
The Order of Play
Invite a core group
Think of a few people that will form a committed, consistent core of your Teylu.
Choose a repeating time so you aren’t scheduling every time: e.g. every other Tuesday...
See: "What are the ingredients of a great Teylu invitation?"
Extend the invitation
Start asking other people to join - the more personalised the better.
Include a link to the Teylu website and the Teylu Knowledgebase.
Email a formal follow up
Send a confirmation email to all who’ve agreed to attend so they have details on record.
Inform Members if they need to purchase any materials in advance.
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