Step 0: B Corp Basics (The What, Why & How)
- What is recertification and how does it work?
- What exactly is a B Corp?
- Why would a business want to be a B Corp?
- Can you certify as a sole trader or a company with no employees?
- How did the B Corp movement begin?
- Is this just another certification - what's different about it?
- We’re already doing lots of sustainability work: why would we want to look at the B Corp model as well?
- How do you become a B Corp?
- What is the role of B Lab UK for companies who want to certify?
- How does the B Corp certification interact with the other accreditations and certifications we (could) have?
- What are some common identities of businesses that go B Corp?
- What is the scope and scale of the B Corp movement?
- How long does it take to become a B Corp?
- Is the B Corp movement only for a particular type/size of business?
- How are investors and financial services firms engaging with B Corp?
- Do you have any introductory materials on B Corp?
- Should we be more profitable or sustainable before we use the resources?
- Why is taking a whole company approach so important?
- What evidence is there that B Corps outperform?
- Who is the Pending B Corp status for?
- Is B Corp enough to make us a purpose-led company?
- How do we calculate our B Corp support time assumptions?
- What is Shoremount's relationship with B Corp?